Customized Training for the Career You Want

Broaden your clinical experience across multiple unique patient populations: the quaternary referral and academic center of University Hospitals and Clinics; the adjacent William S. Middleton Memorial Veteran’s Hospital; and the UnityPoint Health-Meriter community hospital.

Gain the knowledge and skills to provide exceptional interventional cardiology services in the procedural lab and in consultation for care, including structural interventions.

Didactic Experiences

Fellows will attend, and sometimes present at:

  • IC core curriculum (weekly). Includes Journal Club, M&M and IC fellow presentation of diagnostic cath topics for cardiovascular disease fellows
  • Valve conference (weekly). Multidisciplinary meeting to discuss upcoming cases and review past procedures
  • 3C Collaborative Complex Cardiac multidisciplinary conference (weekly). Discuss challenging surgical or endovascular cases
  • Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds and other division conferences

Clinical Experiences

Train in a full-service interventional coronary, structural heart and vascular care program offering the complete range of procedural techniques.

Procedural skills

Spend 12 months in the cardiac catheterization procedural suites across three locations:

  • 80% at the academic center, University Hospital
  • The remaining 20% divided between the adjacent Veterans hospital and local community hospital

Consultation skills

  • Attend a weekly half-day outpatient clinic, including six months in the dedicated structural clinic
  • Assigned overnight Home Call one week per month, Monday through Sunday
  • Round on post-procedural patients one weekend per month, generally in conjunction with your call week

Scholarly Activity


Our division is home to robust research on heart failure, arrhythmias, vascular biology and imaging. It's part of our department's rich research environment and a vibrant campus community of inquiry.

Fellows will complete the DOM Quality Improvement formal curriculum and identify and participate in a quality improvement project, with the opportunity to present at the annual DOM QI Symposium.

We also offer opportunities for research or other scholarly activities, such as publication of case reports with faculty. There’s sure to be a IC faculty member who shares your interest and has a related project underway. We provide financial support to attend local and national conferences.

If you have a particularly strong interest in research, please ask about the possibility of additional post-grad research on our T32 research grant.


The Department of Medicine's Fellow Medical Education (FAME) Training Track trains fellows to become effective clinician-teachers and scholars.

Additional Opportunities in the Department

  • Women in Leadership and Development (WILD). Trainee-led program that provides women fellows with a toolkit for career advancement and skills to negate systemic gender bias and inequities in academic medicine.