Individualized Support

We know mentorship is imperative in guiding the next generation of academically oriented subspecialists, and we have a program in place to support your career planning and development. 

Fellows consistently score their mentoring experience very highly in program evaluations.

Mentorship Structure

You'll select a mentor early in training after having had the chance to get to know faculty and assess similar interests. Depending on your interest, you can have more than one mentor.

You'll meet with your mentors regularly based upon your needs, with a minimum of two mentor-mentee meetings per year required. This relationship is longitudinal and can ideally evolve into a peer mentorship as you progress in your career.

You may also form relationships with mentors outside our fellowship and division through partnerships with the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, other schools within UW-Madison, and UW Health.

The Ways We Mentor You

Career Development

Pair with a faculty member to support general career development during training and beyond. Career mentors provide guidance on building a CV and portfolio, applying to jobs, seeking out a career path in the field, and other general guidance as training progresses.

Quality Improvement

Participate in the Department of Medicine’s QI Curriculum for Fellowship and present at the UW Health QI Symposium.


Our fellowship requires that you submit a first-author paper for publication sometime during your fellowship. Research mentors are available to discuss progress and encourage you to stay on track.

It is appropriate, if desired, for the mentoring pair to work on this project together. You may also select research mentors who are separate from your “official” mentor.


Mentors support you in finding balance between fellowship and the rest of your life. They may help address any concerns that come up and discuss how to achieve balance between well-being and professional goals. 

Leadership Development

We help you develop leadership and conflict management skills for both professional and personal growth.