Diversity and inclusion advocates named by UW School of Medicine and Public Health

Members of the Department of Medicine have been named as Diversity and Inclusion Advocates (DIA) by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH).
The DIA pilot program involves a team of faculty and staff who have volunteered to undergo training to address diversity climate issues to include concerns of equity, inclusion, and hostile or intimidating behavior.
DIAs also serve as a resource for faculty and administrative leadership search committees to increase the diversity of applicant pools and ensure equity during the search and selection process.
To read more about the roles and responsibilities of DIA team members, click here.
DIAs affiliated with the Department of Medicine include (pictured at right from top to bottom): Donita Croft, MD, MS, clinical assistant professor, Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; Bridgett Molinar, accountant, Cardiovascular Medicine; Noelle LoConte, MD, associate professor, Hematology, Medical Oncology and Palliative Care, Carey Gleason, PhD, associate professor, Geratrics and Gerontology, and Fabu Carter, MA, outreach specialist, Geriatrics and Gerontology and Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.
For a full listing of DIAs throughout SMPH departments and administrative units, click here.