Ksenija Bernau, PhD

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Assistant Professor
Clinical Science Center
600 Highland Ave H4/629
Madison WI 53792-0001
(608) 262-3518


  • University of Wisconsin–Madison - PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Professional Activities

Dr. Bernau is a faculty member in the Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine within the Department of Medicine. Dr. Bernau is a member of multiple professional societies, including the American Thoracic Society and the World Molecular Imaging Society.

Research Interests

View Dr. Ksenija Bernau’s publications on NCBI My Bibliography

Dr. Bernau has a long-standing interest in developing molecular imaging probes that can characterize biological events in vivo. Her work is dedicated to developing novel imaging probes for non-invasive assessment of lung disease activity, including in pulmonary fibrosis. She is leading the development of a novel peptide-based, clinically translatable positron emission tomography (PET) probe for identification of active lung fibrosis that would enable physicians to determine disease activity in real time and tailor therapeutic course toward the individual patients’ disease progression.