New faculty Q&A: Dr. Meekers Lee

Meekers Lee, MD
Visiting Professor
Infectious Disease
What is your primary professional focus as it relates to our mission areas (clinical, research and/or medical education)?
I’m an infectious disease attending who sees patients in our UW clinic as well as in the hospital with our inpatient consult services. I have had the privilege throughout my career to be involved in the clinical training of medical students, residents and infectious disease fellows.
What drew you to UW–Madison and the Department of Medicine?
Madison is where I grew up and where I began my training as a medical student here at UW–Madison. As I returned here, I knew I would be working with incredible people, including some who taught me at the start of my career. I also have friends who joined the faculty before me, and I was excited to work with them again.
What are you most excited about during your first year with the department in this role?
I really enjoy caring for patients from different parts of Wisconsin and even from other states. They each have unique stories and backgrounds. While it can often make for an interesting infectious disease history, it’s also been eye opening in terms of some of the challenges patients face. I’m glad to be working with them and our team to help them navigate their care.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
It’s been fun rediscovering Madison. So much has changed since I left many years ago, but I can also find familiar comforts, like the spicy cheese bread and fresh cheese curds from the farmer’s markets. I haven’t started hiking as I did in the past, but I’m exploring the area with my recently adopted dog Arnold and enjoying time with family and friends.
Favorite piece of advice from a mentor or inspiring figure in your life?
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” We should always try our best, but we shouldn’t let challenges and uncertainty keep us from making progress.