New faculty Q&A: Dr. Mark Frommelt

Mark Frommelt, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
What is your primary professional focus as it relates to our mission areas (clinical, research and/or medical education)?
I will be spending my time at Meriter Hospital in a clinical role while also teaching residents in the ICU. Outside of the ICU, I have a general pulmonary clinic where I see a little bit of everything in pulmonary medicine and do a fair bit of bronchoscopy to help diagnose different lung conditions.
What drew you to UW–Madison and the Department of Medicine?
I did my residency training here and really enjoyed the department and specifically the pulmonary critical care group. I was excited to come back and reunite with many of my previous mentors and work alongside them.
What are you most excited about during your first year with the department in this role?
I'm excited to learn from my colleagues in the clinic and spend some time teaching residents in the ICU.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
I spend most of my time chasing my 1-year-old son around with the help of my wife. While he naps, I watch sports and when he is awake, we like to go out to eat, get coffee or travel around the Midwest visiting family and friends.
Favorite piece of advice from a mentor or inspiring figure in your life?
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.