It takes guts: UW-Madison health survey asks people for stool

Dr. Nasia Safdar in her laboratory
Dr. Nasia Safdar

A story about the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), an annual study of the health status of Wisconsinites, quoted Nasia Safdar, MD, PhD, associate professor, Infectious Disease. 

Since 2008, SHOW has conducted a yearly health survey of Wisconsin residents and communities, relying on a cohort of more than 6,000 adults and children. 

This year, 600 Wisconsin residents are helping with a study led by Dr. Safdar and funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program. The effort involves gathering stool samples and detailed diet information from SHOW participants to understand how gut bacteria, low-fiber diets, and Clostridium difficile infections might be linked. 

Previous studies have looked at connections between all three in hospital and long-term care facilities. “But nothing had really looked at this particular angle in the community," said Dr. Safdar. 
