Dr. Angela Byars-Winston appointed Associate Director of UW Collaborative Center for Health Equity

Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, professor, General Internal Medicine, has been named as associate director of the UW Collaborative Center for Health Equity (UW CCHE).
The center is focused on promoting health equity in Wisconsin and beyond via innovative research workforce development initiatives, collaborative translation research, and authentic and sustainable stakeholder engagement across diverse populations and community settings.
Dr. Byars-Winston is nationally recognized for her research examining cultural influences on academic and career development, especially for racial and ethnic minorities and women in the sciences, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM), with the aim of broadening their participation and success in these fields. She currently leads the National Academy of Sciences consensus study on STEMM mentoring programs and practices at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She also serves on the Board on Higher Education and Workforce (BHEW) at the National Academies of Science.
In addition to these leadership roles, Dr. Byars-Winston is director of research and evaluation in the UW Center for Women’s Health Research and faculty affiliate of the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER). She is a co-investigator on the NIGMS National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) grant in the Mentor Training Core, through which she leads the Culturally Aware Mentorship Initiative.
Dr. Byars-Winston is enthusiastic about what the future holds for UW CCHE, saying, “I have been a fan of the work of CCHE over the years and cannot tell you how thrilled I am by this opportunity and will look forward to the collaborations and great work to come!”
- "New CCHE Associate Director," UW Collaborative Center for Health Equity, June 29, 2018