If you are not sure which card or funding to use for a specific expense, please contact your Division Administrator or divisional finance staff to confirm BEFORE purchasing. Expenses paid on the wrong card will need to be reversed.

Purchasing requirements differ depending on your funding source. Please select your funding source to view the relevant guidelines.


Guidelines for Both Cards

  • Both UW Health and UW Madison purchases are tax-exempt. The relevant tax-exempt number is printed on your card for reference.
  • UW Health uses Corporate Cards, UW Madison uses Purchasing Cards (P-cards). Both are provided by US Bank, but use different logins and cycle/allocation time frames. UW Health cards run on a monthly statement cyle, while UW Madison cards run on an ongoing basis.
  • Please note: DOM requires that all tech-related items—including computers, hardware, software, peripherals, etc.—be purchased through the DOM IT Helpdesk. These items are NOT allowable on an individual's card.
  • If your purchase is allowable and follows all purchasing policies, it is preferred that business credit cards are used as the payment method, rather than requesting a reimbursement.
  • All card holders and site managers/approving managers need to have a backup system in place for expected and unexpected absences. Funding allocation deadlines are strict deadlines and cannot be extended due to absence.
  • If you are using Professional Funds, follow UW Health guidelines. If you are using grant funding, follow UW Madison guidelines.
  • UW purchasing cards (p-cards) may NOT be used to pay for UW Health expenses. UW Health corporate cards may NOT be used to pay for UW Madison expenses.

UW Health Credit Card Guidelines

UW Health Corporate credit cards are intended to be used for business-related expenses such as travel, registration for conferences, memberships, dues, flowers and catering. All purchases must comply with the UW Health's purchasing and accounting policies and procedures.

UW Health Policy 11.30 - Use and Oversight of Departmental Purchasing Cards


  • UW Health Purchase Card (P-Card): This type of card may be used for: registration of employees for seminars/conferences, subscriptions, external catering or food, memberships and dues.
  • UW Health Corporate Card: In addition to the above business-related expenses, this type of card may also be used for: travel (airfare), entertainment, and supplies.

All DOM cards from UW Health are Corporate Cards

The policy above includes information for both UW Health Corporate Cards and Purchasing Cards, please note the information for Corporate Cards is applicable to Department of Medicine card holders. Academic Departments such as Medicine are allowed some exceptions, specifically that travel expenses are allowable. 

For a more complete listing of approved purchases please review the Purchase Tool Guide.

UW Health Corporate Card Contact: Amanda Koehn. Accounting employee who is approved to audit all Department of Medicine (DOM) Corporate Cards, verifies coding, routes for division approval, and is the liaison between the Department and UW Health (UWH) finance staff.

Obtaining a UW Health Credit Card

Designated employees will be granted Corporate Credit Cards and may use their Card for business-related expenses including travel, entertainment and supplies. This decision will be based on the employee’s role and the specific business-related need for this flexibility, at this time each request requires review. Please contact your Division Administrator and Mickie Dickrell for approval.

Making Purchases - Allowable Transactions

Policy 11.30


Purchase Card (P-Card): This type of card may be used for: registration of employees for seminars/conferences, subscriptions, external catering or food, memberships and dues.

Corporate Card: In addition to the above business-related expenses, this type of card may also be used for: travel (airfare), entertainment, and supplies. Lodging is only allowable for recruitment and guests (grand rounds speakers etc.). 

All DOM cards from UW Health are Corporate Cards

The policy above includes information for both UW Health Corporate Cards and Purchasing Cards, please note the information for Corporate Cards is applicable to Department of Medicine card holders. Academic Departments such as Medicine are allowed some exceptions, specifically that travel expenses are allowable. 

For a more complete listing of approved purchases please review the Purchase Tool Guide.

Please note: DOM requires that all tech-related items - including computers, hardware, software, peripherals, etc - be purchased through the DOM IT Helpdesk. These items are NOT allowable on an individual's card.

For repetitive purchases from the same supplier over the course of a year, it may be preferred to set up a PO for payment. Check with your divisional finance staff for guidance.

If your purchase complies with UW Health Purchasing policies, then it is recommended that the card is used for direct payment to the vendor, rather than submitting a personal expense for reimbursement.

Please note: Using the Credit Card for non-business purchases is the equivalent of submitting a false invoice to Accounts Payable for payment. Failure to adhere to this policy may lead to revocation of the card, disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

UWHC has Tax Exempt status - please provide the tax ID at checkout (the tax exempt ID is printed on your card). If you often order from the same vendor, ask them how to add the tax exempt status to your account or profile, so that it is always on file for your purchases.

Cardholders: Documenting Transactions in US Bank or Oracle

Corporate Card Holder: DOM employee who has been approved for and is responsible for a UW Health Corporate Credit Card and all transactions. 

If you are a SMPH employee with a UW Health credit card your card is managed by US Bank - use this link to activate your card, upload documentation, check balances and make changes to your account. A guide for allocating charges can be found here: Transaction Allocation Tips (PDF).

If you are a UW Health employee, your charges are located in Oracle. A guide for reconciling can be found here: Reconciling Job Aid for Oracle (PDF).

The following information must be recorded by the cardholder for each transaction: 

  • Enter the business purpose of the expense (for meals or other group events, also include the participant names and their relationship to UWH)
  • Attach all receipts electronically within the appropriate systems as noted above. 

It is important that the Card Coordinator receive accurate information about purchases as quickly as possible as all charges must be reviewed and approved by the 4th business day of the month. We encourage you to review and update as soon as possible after each charge. 

Approving Managers: Approving Charges in US Bank

Approving Manager: DOM Operations Accountant who must provide final approval of all charges.

UW Health chart of account definitions: COA definitions

How to log-in and set up your US Bank profile to approve UW Health credit card charges: US Bank Profile

It is your responsibility to notify DOM finance if your cardholder terminates employment.

Handling Disputes, Lost Cards, and Fraud

If you do not recognize a transaction on your card and need to file a dispute, contact US Bank right away.

If your card has been stolen, or you suspect fraud, contact transactioninquiries@uwhealth.org and Amanda Koehn.

UW-Madison Purchasing Card Guidelines

The UW Madison purchasing card is intended for low-dollar, best-judgment purchases (under $5000) to be paid directly by the University. The purchasing card is assigned to a specific UW Madison employee and may only be used by that individual. All purchases must comply with the UW Madison's purchasing and accounting policies and procedures, and with any extramural funding agency restrictions.

The UW Madison Business Services Purchasing Card webpage includes all relevant policies, forms, and instructions for using your card. However, please note that Department of Medicine has additional restrictions and guidelines for using your UW Madison Purchasing Card, which are detailed on this page.

If you have questions regarding UW purchasing policies, email purchasing@medicine.wisc.edu

Other Resources:

Applying for a UW Madison Purchasing Card

If your role requires you to make one or more credit card purchases a week, or 5-10 a month, then speak with your supervisor about getting your own card. Consult your divisional/departmental finance staff if you have further questions.

Visit the Purchasing Card site to submit an application. You will need to know:

  1. Your supervisor's contact details,
  2. Who your site manager will be,
  3. Your default account code and funding,
  4. Your cycle credit limit (your single purchase limit will be $5,000)

You will also need to sign up for the mandatory cardholder training, and then follow instructions for activating your card once you receive it.

Making Purchases - Allowable Transactions

UW Madison P-cards can be used for most purchases under $5,000. They are often used for office or lab supplies (only if unavailable through ShopUW+), conference registrations, flights, and hotels for employee or guest travel (see DOM Travel Planning for more details), hosted meals, abstract/publication fees, membership renewals (first year memberships must be paid with a DP), etc.

If your purchase under $5,000 complies with UW Purchasing policies, then it is recommended that the pcard is used for direct payment to the vendor, rather than submitting a personal expense for reimbursement.

UW Madison has Tax Exempt status - please provide the tax ID at checkout (the tax exempt ID is printed on your card). If you often order from the same vendor, ask them how to add the tax exempt status to your account or profile, so that it is always on file for your purchases.

Avoiding Illegal Purchases

Examples of illegal purchases on a UW purchasing card include memorial flowers, individual meals, personal gifts, alcohol, etc. Purchases over $5,000 need to be made through a requistion - contact your divisional finance staff for assistance.

DOM requires that all tech-related items - including computers, hardware, software, peripherals, etc - be purchased through the DOM IT Helpdesk. These items are NOT allowable on an individual's pcard.

The state of Wisconsin manages two lists of Ineligible Vendors that do not comply with state statues, and therefore we cannot make purchases through these vendors.

The frequently questioned purchases list contains items that should generally not be purchased. If you need to purchase something on this list, consult with your divisional finance staff. NOTE: SMPH does not allow gift cards to be purchased on a p-card, they must be purchased using a custodian account.

Any illegal purchases on a p-card will need to be reversed - either by canceling the order or returning the product and obtaining a refund, or by writing a personal check to the university for the purchase amount.

Documenting Purchases

Receipt and Documentation requirements:

  • All purchases require an itemized receipt/invoice showing the price paid, such as an order confirmation screen shot or email, or scanned paper receipt tape
  • Hosted meals also require 1) an attendee list, 2) an agenda or schedule of events, and 3) the itemized receipt
  • Registration fees and airfare/travel bookings require the conference brochure or screenshots/pdf showing the name and business purpose of the event, dates and location of the conference
Handling Disputes, Lost Cards, and Fraud

If you do not recognize a transaction on your card and need to file a dispute, you card has been stolen, or you suspect fraud, contact US Bank right away.

UW-Madison Departmental Purchasing Cards

In some cases, it makes more sense to use a Departmental Purchasing Card - with additional approvals and detailed documentation requirements, the Department Purchasing Card can be used by both the cardholder and other authorized purchasers.

Please speak with your divisional accountant to determine whether a Departmental Purchasing Card makes sense for your situation.