Gift funds are maintained by the UW Foundation (UWF) until needed by UW 233 accounts. This maximizes the investment earnings of funds held at UWF.

  1. Division administrator or designated division staff emails a request to your divisional operations accountant in DOM central finance office, providing the following information:
    1. PI’s name
    2. Whether new account or use existing account (include UW Project number)
    3. Which UWF funding source to use (name and/or number)
    4. Amount
    5. Purpose of account
    6. Any necessary clearances/associated paperwork
  2. Your divisional operations accountant completes the following steps:
    1. Prepare Gift Routing Form
    2. Prepare UWF Check Request form (requires Advancement Resources log-in)
    3. If necessary, sends forms for needed signatures
    4. Once signed and returned, both forms are routed to SMPH Fiscal for processing.

Note: It may take up to 45 days for the new 233 account to appear in WISDM with the budget/revenue reflecting the amount of the check received. (DOM Central Finance maintains a UWF Request Tracking Spreadsheet, to monitor when requests are submitted.)